Laboratoium room used by studentMaterials and Metalurgical Engineering study program.
Laboratory of Materials Technology (LTM) - ITK

In 2020, the Laboratory of Materials Technology (LTM) which was formerly within the Materials and Metallurgical Engineering (TMM) undergraduate program underwent a management change. Physically, all facilities and equipment are now managed and organized by the Integrated Laboratory (Laboratorium Terpadu) of the Institut Teknologi Kalimantan (ITK). But, structurally, LTM is under the management structure of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JIKL) ITK.
LTM has the objective to assist objectives in planning, organizing, monitoring, and facilitating educational activities, as well as community service using laboratory facilities.
For students of TMM ITK who will conduct any research, community service, or other activities using laboratory facilities, you can submit your necessities through SIM Labter. If you have any question, please contact the Head of LTM (Bapak Rifqi Aulia Tanjung / +62 813 4849 4529) in Building B Campus ITK, Room B202.
For stakeholders from other institutions, we can develop collaboration in academic, research, and community service. If you have any industrial problem, analysis consulting from experts, or conducting the technical tests, please contact us as follows :
1. The Head of Earth Science and Environmental Department (Ibu Umi Sholikah / +62 856-5559-3064)
2. The Head of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Undergraduate Program Koordinator (Bapak Jatmoko Awali / +62 852 5936 7474)
3. The Head of Laboratory of Materials Technology (Bapak Rifqi Aulia Tanjung / +62 813 4849 4529)
The facilities of the Laboratory of Materials Technology can be downloaded in this file