Unconsciously, a new school year has begun. For the academic year 2020/2021, the Materials and Metallurgical Engineering (TMM) Institute of Technology Kalimantan (ITK) proudly welcomes 42 new students (maba) from various regions in Indonesia.
Introduction to campus life both academic and non-academic is a mandatory activity that must be followed by new students before attending lectures. The activity was organized into "Friendship, Introduction and Information, Education on Student Action" which was later shortened to SPIn & ETAM 2020.
"The COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in the SPIn ETAM 2020 activity, which was originally planned to be directly on campus, to be completely changed to full online, at home. However, the committee hopes that the enthusiasm and euphoria of the SPIn ETAM 2020 activities will still be felt by participants like direct activities on campus. Another hope is that new students are more prepared and enthusiastic to undergo lectures and are ready to become agents of change," said Ade Wahyu, Chair of the ETAM 2020 SPIn Committee who is also a TMM lecturer.
The activity which was broadcast live through the Borneo Institute of Technology YouTube channel, SPIn ETAM 2020 raised the theme "Preparing the SPECTA Generation in the Digital Era".
This year is a historic year for the world of higher education in Indonesia. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused conventional learning culture in the classroom to be transformed into online learning methods. Even though they cannot meet face to face, the SPECTA values ??(Solid, Caring, Intelligent, Faithful and Faithful) which are the identities of ITK students are still well embedded. Thus, new students are better prepared to attend lectures and respond to global challenges by carrying out SPECTA values.
The activity, which was held for 5 days from 7-11 September 2020, was officially opened by the Chancellor of ITK, Prof. Ir. Budi Santosa, M.S., Ph.D., by reading the ITK New Student Admissions Decree. Various materials starting from the introduction of the ITK Campus, academic activities, facilities, to student organization activities were presented in an interesting way by great speakers.
This year is a historic year for the world of higher education in Indonesia. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused conventional learning culture in the classroom to be transformed into online learning methods. Even though they cannot meet face to face, the SPECTA values ??(Solid, Caring, Intelligent, Faithful and Faithful) which are the identities of ITK students are still well embedded. Thus, new students are better prepared to attend lectures and respond to global challenges by carrying out SPECTA values.
The activity, which was held for 5 days from 7-11 September 2020, was officially opened by the Chancellor of ITK, Prof. Ir. Budi Santosa, M.S., Ph.D., by reading the ITK New Student Admissions Decree. Various materials starting from the introduction of the ITK Campus, academic activities, facilities, to student organization activities were presented in an interesting way by great speakers.
One of them is the Director of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud), Prof. drh. Aris Junaidi, Ph.D., delivered the material "Free Learning Program-Independent Campus". The second was Mrs. Yenny Wahid who gave material about the importance of national insight to counteract radicalism and terrorism which can now easily enter intellectual circles, especially students. In addition, the third, the material was delivered by the Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan, Mr. H. Hadi Mulyadi, S.Si., M.Sc. He motivates students to continue to excel, so that they can create useful innovations for the community. Last but not least, the material that is no less important is safety riding, which was explained by Kompol Irawan Setyono, S.H., S.IK., M.H. as Kasatlantas Balikpapan City Police, considering that accidents in Balikpapan City often occur. This material is a reminder for students to always be vigilant while driving.
The Coordinator of the TMM Study Program, Jatmoko Awali, S.T., M.T., also welcomed new students through the introduction of the study program. In this session, freshmen were introduced to TMM lecturers, curriculum, laboratories, and the TMM Student Association (HIMA TMM) followed by a warm discussion. They mentioned that the reason for choosing TMM was the job prospects of graduates that matched their aspirations. The activity then closed with reading impressions and messages from new students. In their testimony, they welcome and enthusiastically face the next campus life.
We congratulate the new students of the Borneo Institute of Technology, especially Materials and Metallurgical Engineering 2020!
Untuk Sang Pencipta dan Bumi Etam