The Large-Scale Social Restriction Policy (PSBB) during the pandemic has an impact on the Indonesian economy, and Balikpapan City is no exception. This PSBB policy requires people to carry out their activities at home so that people are reluctant to buy MSME products by coming directly to the place. This is one of the causes of the decline in MSME income. One way to overcome this problem is to promote through social media. So that consumers can see MSME products without having to come to the marketing place. However, to do this, it is undeniable that MSME actors also experience obstacles in promoting through social media because their capacity on social media is still lacking. Therefore, education related to this is needed so that the economy continues to run during the Covid-19 pandemic. The problem faced by the residents of Gunung Sari Ulu is the lack of promotion of superior Amplang products in Gunung Sari Ulu Village where the community has a superior product, namely Amplang, but the level of promotion is lacking so that the buyer's attractiveness is low. This community service provides opportunities for students to come down to the community in terms of community development and empowering their potential. Most people do not know about the potential and capabilities that can be developed. Activities carried out in realizing solutions to problems in the region are through marketing technology training accompanied by product quality improvement.