Head of Community Service : Rifqi Aulia Tanjung, S.T., M.T., Rachmad Sulaksono Prabowo, S.T., M.T., Amilita Medisa Rizky Dharmayanti, M.Si. (Materials and Metallurgical Engineering/JIKL/ITK)
Sebakung Village is one of the villages located in Long Kali District, Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province. The majority of people living in the area work in the agricultural sector or are fishermen who require water for their daily lives. The water source often used by the Sebakung community comes from drilled wells that are made as an alternative. However, the water produced from these drilled wells generally contains various dissolved minerals that are influenced by geological conditions and the surrounding environment. In terms of mineral content, drilled well water in Kalimantan often contains high levels of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) which causes changes in the color of the water and sediment in its storage tank. Water sometimes has a brownish or yellowish color due to the high content of dissolved organic matter in it. On the other hand, this water is also at risk of containing bacteria such as E-coli or coliform if the well is not made in a watertight condition. Therefore, a good water treatment method is needed to ensure the quality of drilled well water so that it remains safe to use.
Water filter-making training activities were carried out to help the community manage clean water in Sebakung Village. This training was conducted in one of the residents' homes by providing materials related to the condition of existing well water, simple filter assembly, and the use of filters for good and environmentally friendly water treatment. The results of using the filter showed that the water produced could be cleaner after going through several methods of filtering dirt and minerals in the well water. This water can be used for daily needs, but for direct consumption, it still requires further testing of the use of this filter. Samples of the filtered water will be tested again and the results will be seen.